Steve Rubel notes that in the same week YouTube hits 100 million streams per day, the US TV networks suffer the lowest weekly ratings ever.
Don’t think the Philippines won’t follow. YouTube is huge in the Philippines.
The big media companies shouldn’t worry that people will post their copyrighted material on YouTube. They should worry that people will post their own stuff on YouTube, and audiences will watch that instead. — Paul Graham.
It’s not about artificial content scarcity anymore. It’s about natural attention scarcity.
Another sign that you have to add:
Alyssa Alano’s instant fame, thanks to Keys Me on YouTube.
Dang that Keys Me is classic.
Keys me…
nobody beats teleserye, fantaserye, asianovelas in TV
And that’s why local TV is in even greater danger, ikabon. 😉
but most of people, masa, here in PI interested with those primetime teleasiafantakorea novelas.
ikabon: Markets are fragmenting. Soon even the masa will figure out the niche media choices offered by cheap mass customization.
HD video requires only 30 Mbps. 802.11n, when fully finalized, will deliver 300 to 600 Mbps.
TV is even closer to death than we think. 😉
DVB-H for mobile TV, even less than that.
Wow, the more we discuss this, the closer TV comes to death.
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