It seems that the Yahoo! servers are working overtime churning results from “œearthquake” and “œtsunami” keyword searches. Yahoo! Search Trends witnessed a sharp spike in a short period of time relating to the news and information on the Japan earthquake and tsunami. By how much? By as much as 80,000% and that’s only in Taiwan.
Going proactive to help users get more knowledge with their queries related to donating support to Japan, Yahoo! News is providing “˜How to Help links’ and the Yahoo! Frontpage is featuring a modified logo that drives traffic to its “˜How to Help links’.
Aside from that, Yahoo! has pledged support to Japan during this unfortunate tragedy.
Yahoo! Korea is conducting an online campaign to raise funds of up to KRW 50 million for Japan earthquake relief in partnership with World Vision on its donation page, “˜Yahoo! Nanuri’ ( This campaign which began on March 13, is in tandem with the global Yahoo! initiative for Japan and was the first such initiative among industry players to reach out to the on-line audience. As of March 14, Yahoo! Korea received donations of up to KRW 3,557,000.
Yahoo! Taiwan has raised US$1.17M for Red Cross and other non-profit organisations. Yahoo! Taiwan’s News’ Face Book account has generated nearly 400,000 users participating in the action of "Pray for Japan" on Wretch and has seen more than 3500 blogs posted.
Yahoo!Kimo Charity, a platform that plays a bridging role to link up users and beneficiaries through the assistance of Non-profit Organisations from various fields, has raised NT 30 million dollars in donations within 72 hours and has further added 2 projects to source for an additional NT 10 million fund-raising.
Finally, within Yahoo!, the company will match up to $1,000 per calendar year for gifts made to non-profit organizations by each of its full-time employees.