The newest addition in the family of Google services was launched last Nov. 18. J. Angelo has a blog post on the official launching of google base. Will it take off in the philippines as the craigs list of the Philippines?
The official “craigs list” or listing of any thing on sale, for swap, for rent in the Philippines is still the paper edition of Buy and Sell. Because of only less than 1% penetration of the internet, advertising in buy and sell is free, and its established reputation, Buy and Sell print model will be hard to beat. I’ve been very successful in buying and selling a lot in Buy and Sell. I’ll be experimenting with google base this next two months and see how effective it would be in selling my gadget stuff in the net vs. Buy and Sell. The assumption of course would be my target buyers for the gadgets I’m selling has internet connection and within Metro Manila. Lets see.
Check this out:
By the way, there is an official craigs list for manila and have anybody tried it yet? Here’s the link:
Isn’t the “official Craig’s List” for Philippines is Friendster’s 😉
nah pusit is just fueled by friendster
you’re right pusit is just popular among friendster is nothing but a bore.. pity those people who doesnt have a clear vision to read all of those crammed text in an awful display of colors and lauzy table construction..
We are in a similar market as Google Base but our product gives structure (while still not imposing any set of predefined categories) to our index and therefore makes it possible for users to not only perform keyword search but also browse hierarchically with the ability to specify unlimited number of filters to refine their search.
Google Base Data API is being retired on June 1, 2011*