I got this from Robert Scoble: OnTime Bug Tracking, Issue/Defect Tracker and Project Management Software is selling their $495 product for $5 until the 24th:
100% of Proceeds Will be Donated to American Red Cross
We’re not doing this experiment to make money from selling our software at a 99% discount. Therefore, we will take the $5 fee of each sale and donate it to the American Red Cross to help the victims of the Mudslides in the Philippines and other recent disasters.
Why is the company doing this?
Axosoft is conducting a social marketing experiment. We are giving away 5-User copies of OnTime 2006 Small Team Edition, a product we sell for $495 for just $5 ($1 per user!) . This offer is just available through social marketing sites and there are no links to this page on the Axosoft web site.
This is a chance to help them test social marketing, for you to buy very cheap licensed software, and donate to the Red Cross. If they don’t make a sale, they are creating brand awareness.