Slashdot has a contest going on right now for a redesign of their site. The contest will run for two weeks and will have a $4500 Laptop and a $250 gift check from thinkgeek as prizes. Ideally you have to make use of the existing CSS framework and icons. Not to mention that it has to be compatible with most popular browsers and must not be a bandwidth hog.
The requirements for entry are:
(a) … [Y]ou must, as of your Entry submission date: (i) be eighteen (18) years of age or older; and (ii) be a legal resident of, and be physically located in, a country or territory that permits online participation in contests of skill.
(b) Employees of Sponsor, or any of Sponsor’s subsidiaries, affiliates, advertising and promotional agencies, or members of any such employee’s immediate families or households, are not eligible to participate in the Contest. THIS CONTEST IS VOID WHERE PROHIBITED.
The contest will run from April 26, 2006 till May 17, 2006 at 11:59 p.m. EDT.
Article here
Contest rules here