Move over, Intel. Samsung, specifically Samsung Semiconductors, beats the 24-year dominance of Intel as a chipmaker thanks to a record USD 12.6 billion revenue in the second quarter alone.
The bigger milestone here, however, lies in the USD 15 billion revenue generated so far by Samsung Semiconductors. Basically, it trumps the USD 14.8 billion brought in by Intel. But how did Samsung accomplish this? Basically, Intel only focused on its signature processors and chipsets for servers and computers. Meanwhile, Samsung diversified its own offerings, creating hips for mobile, wearables, and smart vehicles.
Don’t count Intel out yet, though. According to the computing mega-brand, they believe the upcoming Cannon Lake 10nm chips will even the playing field. They aim to regain their lead by offering a chipset with twice as many transistors as products from Samsung and TMSC.