To Philippine Lawyers: So you finally jumped in the technology bandwagon and invested in a PDA, a fancy-smancy celphone (be it Palm OS or Pocket-PC based), both or even a hybrid of the two. But now. you don’t know how what to make of it.
Well don’t fret. PocketLex, a collection of Philippine Laws in MobiPocket format, is available for download. If you see the collection found in The Hand’s Eye site, you’ll notice that the collection is well-suited for everyday, in-meeting or in-court use.
The eBooks are freely downloadable and are not really that large in memory space. You can even dowload it, on a per need basis. But if you can spare the space, it may be worth it to download everything. You’ll never really know if may need a particular law at your fingertips. You can even impress your clients and adversaries by having these babies very handy.
Additional instructions can be found in the site.
So finally, you can actually use the high-tech gadgets we can only dream about acquiring.
Oh, for the non-lawyers, these may come in handy for you, too. A word of caution though: the difference between a lawyer and a person with the complete set of lawbooks at his disposal is a lawyer knows where to look.
If symptoms persist, I still say, consult your lawyer.
whattare you gonna do anyway with the copy of the Philippine Laws on your mobile if the price of a lawyer itself already scares anyone who are interested to sue someone else.. besides, with the current trend of the justice system here in the philippines, not to mention the lawmaker itself and the people who pushes the law into action, who in their decent mind would even bother to pursue a lawsuit..
oh, this post is for lawyears only..? oh okay nevermind..
I have mine loaded in my Nokia 6630. Very convenient.
Great tool!
The PocketLex site has moved to
It’s still under construction and more eBooks are forthcoming.
Thanks for continuing the Pocket Lex compilation and giving us the new website… Can you also post the old Pocket Lex compilation, I was using them on my Palm TX, but my PDA retired and I have no back up. Looking forward on your next version of Pocket Lex, I have a Winmo pda now. Thanks