The only other photo-service I subcsribe to (the primary one being Flickr, which I live on) is the corny but useful Multiply. Though, this just came in:
Things that were once reserved for premium account holders are now available to all Multiply members.
What does this mean to you? Among other things…
– You can now upload an unlimited number of photos. (For free.)
– And unlimited videos, as well. (This too, is free.)
– But let’s not forget that all layouts *and* full CSS customization options are… you guessed it, also free.
Very promising news since the Multiply service has always been promising for its feature-set to the younger crowds, or to those with a family-friendly-not-so-tech-savvy mindset.
So they’re going after the Myspace model of increasing pageviews – but with low low clickthrough rates!
Is there a catch to this?
I know this is great and everything..but why?
VC funding, maybe? Or have they been acquired? I’m aware some companies that offer photo storage earn from printing out photos and sending the printouts by courier.