In what appears to be a step in the right direction, the National Telecommunication Commission (NTC) will allow mobile phone users to register to a “not-to-text” database to prevent promotional messages from being sent to their phones via SMS.
NTC says that “the database is one way for us to minimize the SMS [text] barrage from content providers. Also, the content provider registry that we’ll be building would ensure that mobile phone operators will only deal with authorized content providers.” (Source: Inq7)
I hope they do this right by allowing the mobile phone owner to specify which merchant/content provider to block. Not just the number (which can change) and not an all-or-nothing filter (there may be some merchant/content which I am interested in).
I’m betting it’s all or nothing. It will be too hard for the telcos and their content providers to maintain a per-CP list.
does Philippines DO NOT CALL LIST (DNC) exist..?
now how do i get on that list????
You should already be able to ask your mobile operator to put you on the list.
Gary Mercado has an interesting take on this: Content providers shouldn’t be surprised.
i use smart… and from time to time i received promotional messages not from the operators( 211 288 2366 or others) numbers but a valid smart 10 digit numbers… they better also make a block list for numbers that you don’t want to received an messages.
Yeah I think they use direct texting from cellphones to make up for the NTC regulations.
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