BoingBoing appears to have one of the better coverages of the Sony rootkit fiasco, and they’re still at it, including the latest one, wherein it concludes: over 500,000 networks contain at least one infected machine. Many of these are governmental and military networks.
Here’s a list of links of the still ongoing November coverage from the site:
Sony infects more than 500k networks, including military and govt
Sony’s spyware “remover” creates huge security hole
Sony begins to recall some infected CDs
Sony’s rootkit uninstaller is *really* dangerous
EFF to Sony: you broke it, you oughta fix it
Older posts have been compiled on the following entry:
Sony anti-customer technology roundup and time-line
More proof that DRM is garbage.
Even Microsoft Defender (formerly AntiSpyware) deems the rootkit malware. Then again, Bill’s pushing his own DRM standard. 😉
Bill hates Sony because sony got at the console market first >:)
Sheez, this is simply Sony’s desperate move, but it’s not the solution though.