LG Electronics (LG) unveiled the V20 today, the new member of the V series of smartphones. It delivers the best in multimedia capabilities, such as Steady Record 2.0, Hi-Fi Quad DAC, and two wide-angle lens cameras. This is also the world’s first device to come with Android 7.0 Nougat fresh out of the box, as well as the Google In Apps function.
The Pinnacle of Video and Image Recording
The LG V20 runs on a Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 processor with X12 LTE. It also introduces Steady Record 2.0, which records sharper video footage while reducing blurry takes. The gyro-based EIS, on the other hand, reduces sync latency to only 50 milliseconds. Digital image stabilization (DIS) complements this which further improves video quality in post-processing. Additionally, the V20 allows users to record Hi-Fi videos and manually control its settings. In turn, it helps the device pump out professional quality-level images.
The Purest Audio Experience
The V20 is also the world’s first smartphone to feature a 32-bit Hi-Fi Quad DAC, powered by ESS Technology. Its concept comes straight from designers of high-performance audio products. This generates clearer sound by minimizing distortion and ambient noise by up to 50 percent. Besides that, the V20 supports lossless music formats including FLAC, DSD, AIFF and ALAC. When it comes to video recording, however, LG’s new offering continues to stand strong. An HD Audio Recorder ensures that all captured audio is as close to studio quality as possible.
Capturing All Your Memories
In terms of cameras, the wide-angle capabilities of the front and rear sections result in photos with an inclusive background. This means users get more in the frame and leave nothing out. A 5MP front camera and an 8MP rear camera prove to be just what the V20 needs to take gorgeous pictures. Though the megapixel number isn’t the best, these two cameras let users take wider, bigger pictures. With a large aperture standard angle lens, the V20 captures sharp images at a maximum of 16MP with its 75-degree lens.
A First-Class Second Screen
The Right Materials
Finally, for a durable, sleek outer look, LG employs lightweight aluminum plus a new silicon-based material. The back cover is now protected by metal at part with aircraft and sailboat metals. Now, when the phone is dropped, the Silicone Polycarbonate (Si-PC). This innovative material, found in helmets, reduces shocks by more than 20 percent.Durability-wise, the LG V20 has also passed a test that concluded that when dropped repeatedly from a height of four feet, the V20 would still survive and work. This result remained consistent despite landing in various positions.
The LG V20 will be available in Korea starting this month. Other regions will soon follow suit. But for now, be sure to keep your eyes open for new updates.