South Korean tech giant LG saw fit to unveil two new groundbreaking smartphones at the Mobile World Congress 2019. Joining the 5G race is their V series flagship, LG V50 ThinQ while leading in the advanced biometrics arena is their G series flagship, the LG G8 ThinQ, the world’s first smartphone with advanced palm authentication.
This advanced security measure is made possible through the combination of the smartphone’s ToF Z Camera and infrared sensors; more secure than fingerprint sensor technology. It employs LG’s latest Hand ID functionality and what it does is that it recognizes the shape, likeness, and characteristics of the veins in the palm of the user’s hands.
One simply has to place the registered hand in front of the front camera for the device to unlock as it implements Air Motion gesture; controlling the device is just one hand-wave away—ideal for proactive users. Its Face Unlock feature is also a testament to LG’s dedication in smartphone security.
The G8 ThinQ is the first G series device from LG to acquire OLED display technology. It packs a QHD + FullVision 6.1-inch display and is powered by Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ 855 Mobile Platform with a 3,350mAh battery backing up the system.
In addition, users can control the intensity of the front camera’s background blur up to 256 level for more depth while its 1.22 image sensor is capable of producing more vivid, cleaner photos. As for its video capabilities, the LG G8 ThinQ lets users control its bokeh feature while filming in portrait mode via the rear camera.
As for its audio performance, LG doesn’t compromise. Surround sound and high-resolution audio streaming is made possible with DTS:X along with its 32-bit Hi-Fi Quad DAC feature.
It’s also worth noting that LG will launch the LG G8s ThinQ version in months to come following the MWC 2019. It contains the premium essentials of the flagship and is mated to a vibrant 6.2-inch OLED display and a 3550mAh-strong battery.