The latest installment of one of Square Enix’s most popular franchises, Kingdom Hearts III, will be here soon! Set to be released on January 29, 2019 for Playstation 4, KH3 expands its universe by featuring a new set of beloved Disney and Pixar characters. Join Sora and his friends on a grand adventure to stop an evil force called The Heartless from taking over the world.
Kingdom Hearts was first released in 2002 and was created through a collaboration between Disney and Square Enix (popularly known for their Final Fantasy franchise). The series celebrated its 15th Anniversary last year, and as of today had already sold more than 25 million units all over the world.
KH3 will be available for a suggested retail price of Php 3,099 for the Standard Edition and Php 4,399 for the Deluxe Edition.