Do you spend too much time on searching for your articles to be written on your blog? How much time you spend in searching the web and end up in writing less than 100 words post. Below are the tools and site I use to have information from the web.
First thing you have to do is think of your keyword or topics that you need to post for your niche blog then create a Google Alert then after placing your keywords and placing your email address. You have to press “Create Alert Button”. Then a confirmation message will be then send to you for verification.
You have the option on choosing the frequency of mail that you will receive, either once a day, As it happen, Once a week and it depends to you. Ussually once a day is better.
Digg , Tailrank & Technorati
Are you a type of echo blogger wherein you want to post those recent blogs that is being talk about in the web. Well this is where you can use this.
This is the site where you can find different upcoming website that wants to be reviewed. You can then visit their website and check what you can write about them. Even a positive review or a Negative review it is upto you.
This is the site which have the most comprehensive list of all Web 2.0 website available in the web. So you can just pick up one site which is in relevance to your niche and the blog it.
This is the most important one. Be creative. If your post is unique and does not come from other sources, there is always a great opportunity that your site will be linked by other blogger on you niche. and that only means higher Technorati Place and PR.
So I do hope that this list of information will be a great help for PinoyTechBlog readers. What about you? Do you have any other method on finding a good article to blog?
About the PTB Guest Blogger:
Rexted blogs about technology at Tech At Hand Blog and writes about Philippine Eleksyon 2007 , share his list of Praise and Worship songs and blog about his Family
Use netvibes.
Yup. nightfox. Netvibes could also be used for latest news and RSS feeds
i use the SAGE plug-in for firefox for my RSS needs 🙂
sorry, im new here.. just wanna ask how do i start my own blog here? thanks in advance!
Nice! Thanks for the the links… I’m newbie in term of blogging, so it helps me a lot…
The most important source there is the mind. Almost all things that came from our mind is original, and there’s no other source like our mind. =)
Nice Post.
i want to create a blog but i don’t have a mind. haha
I blog about printer ink and toners. From your list I only have used google alerts to get the latest about my industry.
As for digg and technorati, I use it AFTER I already made a blog post, not the other way around.
Well, I think I would need to try your suggestions.
Thanks for the post. 😉
Thanks for such a nice post!!!!!