We have all been a victim of the dreaded throwback photo. These less than flattering images of us that we posted online, before ever really understanding social media. From cheesy emo posts, to laugh out loud fashion blunders, and aesthetic fails, these photos have embarrassed us at least once. Luckily for Instagram users, you can now enjoy your awful duckface photos in private with the new Instagram Archive feature.
The Instagram Archive Feature
Basically, the feature lets users hide old posts without having to delete them. To access just go to the menu on your post. Normally there are options like edit and delete, now an option to archive the post will be there as well. Archiving will send the post to a private gallery, which will serve as your archive, where only you can view the post.
This feature caters to users who would want to delete an old photo or post. What is interesting to note with archiving is that, before it arrived, users would just delete a post they did not want to be shared anymore. With a big chunk of its users being teenagers, the benefit of the feature is pretty obvious; you get to hide an embarrassing post. But, with it being archived you can still put it back out it public should you change your mind in the future. Lastly, Instagram will not notify other users if you archive a post or remove a post from your archive.